Strategy, Digital & Technology Advisor

“Experience the power of technology, strategy, and customer solutions fused together. Unlock new growth opportunities, tap into fresh revenue streams, and deliver unbeatable customer experiences with our accelerated approach to digital transformation.”

Strategy & Growth Advisor

“Experience the power of technology, strategy, and customer solutions fused together. Unlock new growth opportunities, tap into fresh revenue streams, and deliver unbeatable customer experiences with our accelerated approach to digital transformation.”

Unlocking the Future:

Harnessing Emerging Technologies and Forward-Looking Strategies for Success

We propel business growth, foster innovation and drive societal impact by advancing technical and data capabilities

We are growth and transformation consultants who specialize in unlocking new revenue streams, enhancing customer experiences, modernizing capabilities, and maximizing technology advances to help businesses stay ahead of the game.

Our mission is to empower any company that desires to transform their business models with the power of technology, implement ongoing change and agility, and develop innovative products and services that will grow the business. We strive to help companies enable their organizations and individual talent to achieve “Moon Shot” goals. 

How do we do it? By combining our team’s deep business and functional expertise with digital & technology experience, we’re able to provide a unique approach based at the intersection of strategy, data and technology to growth and transformation that’s tailored to whatever part of the journey you are in now.  We work with clients that are just ready to undertake a transformative initiative in one function or business area, to organizations that set extremely bold ambitions to revolutionize their business.

Strategy & Strategic Roadmap

Technology & Systems Enablers & Accelerators

Data, Analytics & AI Integration

Product & Engineering

Marketing Sales & Channels

New Business Models, Agile Methods, Ecosystem Partners

Operating Model & People Processes

Strategy & Strategic Roadmap

Technology & Systems Enablers & Accelerators

Data, Analytics & AI Integration

Product & Engineering

Marketing Sales & Channels

New Business Models, Agile Methods, Ecosystem Partners

Operating Model & People Processes

Digital Transformation

The Need for Speed

Why Traditional Businesses Must Embrace Digital Transformation

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses face an unprecedented level of uncertainty and rapid technological change. From climate change to geopolitical instability to pandemics, there are countless challenges that companies must navigate. Social media platforms like Twitter, and Instagram have revolutionized the way people communicate, with ChatGPT setting a record by reaching 1 million users in just five days. The pandemic leap frogged consumers generations ahead in technology adoption.  Forty percent of Americans indicated digital tools have taken on new relevance and they use technology and the internet in ways they didn’t before the pandemic (

And technology is only going to be introduced and adopted faster.  The computing and processing capacity of computers hits double figures every 19 months.  By 2030 it is estimated there will be about 500 billion devices connected to the internet.

But while digitally-native businesses have adapted to this new landscape, many companies still operate within the outdated business model of the 1990s. Most traditional businesses have not caught up to the changes in technology.   Only 38% of traditional businesses have adopted a digital business strategy. Many will argue that approximately 30% of digital transformations meet their goal.  

Transformation is hard, complex and requires different investments of resources or time. However, given the unprecedented speed of technology and innovation, organizations will either evolve or become obsolete. Continuous transformation and new ways of working require adaptability. Speed and continuous transformation will create competitive advantage moving forward. Transformations can fail for many reasons – lack of the right talent, legacy systems taking time to migrate, a culture that does not embrace learning and continual change.

Breaking the Barriers to Transformation

Actionable steps for business leaders

We understand that success in today’s business world requires a new, slightly uncomfortable set of skills and actions – a quick decision-making process, a willingness to experiment and fail quickly.   We help you navigate the digital landscape by modernizing the capabilities that drive disproportionate value to the company, leveraging technological advances, and aligning your operating model and culture.

Our Core Transformational Values

Our transformation principles center around empowering our clients to thrive in an era of unprecedented innovation and changing customer demand. We achieve this by:

Embracing emerging technologies and AI, guided by people

Embedding data-driven decision making in everything we do

Fostering speed and continual progress for a competitive edge

Designing customer-centric, digital-first, and agile solutions

Testing and learning quickly with a fail-fast mindset

Prioritizing employee engagement, front-line decision making, and learning environments

Working in collaborative teams with IT as a strategic partner

Measuring our success through generating new, sustainable revenue streams and outpacing the competition.

The Art of an Integrated Strategy Roadmap

Our Approach

Our approach to defining an integrated roadmap starts with a comprehensive investigation into your business, market trends, competitive landscape, and consumer experience. With this context in place, we can define a unified “North Star” goal that aligns the C-Suite to middle management and IT to the Businesses.

From there, we conduct diagnostics across the organization to pinpoint areas where a digital transformation or solution could create value. We generate hundreds of use cases, prioritize them based on their potential value and implement ability, then select the anchor use cases that we will begin with. Simultaneously, our technology and engineering teams are ensuring that the right technology platform is in place with all of the required data sources available. Additionally, we map out the next generation organization model to identify any cultural needs and make any necessary organizational changes for success.

Once the highest value use cases are identified and enabled through data & tech platforms, these use cases are then sequenced into two-to-four-week sprints. This information is used along with our North Star vision to develop long term (3 year), short term (1 year) as well as tactical roadmaps as guides for moving forward.